I wake up this morning with thankful acknowledgement that this new day came into existence by the hand of an almighty God. This is His day that He has made. He has plans for this day and all the people and all the things that are in it. This reminds me that everything is under His control, so I will not worry. All I ask for me today is a deeper understanding of His ways that I may walk without…..
So much is happening around us and around the world. We are bothered about the injustices that are happening abroad and we’re worried about what’s happening in our own back yard. Everybody is fighting for one thing or the other. There’s war among the classes. The Rich vs the Poor. The top 1% owning 40% of the wealth while the bottom maybe 30% is not even on the charts. The lower middle can barely make it, and the middle is…..
Good Friday morning everybody! Having some issues this morning, but I have chosen to believe that I wouldn’t know how to enjoy pleasure if I’ve never had pain. After the sunshine there’s got to be a little rain sometimes. The beauty of living by faith is not to be in denial when a problem presents itself; instead, you recognize the problem and deal with it. Trouble doesn’t last always; the sun will shine again after the rain is gone. Living…..
Hate is a learned behavior. As babes we came into the world innocent. Like clean canvas or a blank slate or fresh clay waiting to be molded. The outcome depends on the artist what the finished product will be. Innocence is lost according to the environment that a child is nurtured in. The problem is not between Black and white; it’s between love and hate. In many instances Blacks and Whites are in perfect harmony; they were taught how to love……
A new dawn comes with every sunrise, but will it be a better day? Only when we learn to love our neighbor as we love our selves. Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken families have never been God’s plan for us. We change His plans for us when we hate and fight and kill. We need to get back to living by faith, hope and trust in God. #Blog #Inspiration # Faith
When a citizen from another country burns the United States’ flag it’s considered a disrespect to our country, and it gives cause to react in one way or the other. When a citizen of the United States burns the flag of the United States, what is it called, and how should we react? How can we be respected by others if we do not respect ourselves? Yes we can be angry; there’s a lot to be angry about. But at…..
So many of our Veterans who have served our country have returned home broken. They are being plagued by Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. The sounds of gun shot, fire works and sounds of violence trigger the memory of the things they experience while they fought to protect our rights. They’ve acquired these haunting memories while they fought for our rights to celebrate our independence; meanwhile, our act of celebration is to the detriment of their well being. It should be…..
The story in Breana’s Full Circle is timeless. It’s a legacy that plagues every generation in every in every nation; however, the outcome depends on how each person faces a given situation. It is unfortunate that the negative aspect of life continues to affect, especially, the innocent. A good mentor can also help to drive the subject in a positive direction. Also– the mindset of a person has to be open to consultations and suggestions to bring change. Breana is…..