How important is ethnicity in adopting a child. I believe love is an emotion that begins in the heart, and it is manifested in the action of the person. Love has no color. I would like to say love doesn’t discriminate, but it does. However, it’s a beautiful thing when the heart is open to accept a person from another race into your life. It begins with love. Once love exists, caring and sharing comes easy. An adoptive parent will…..
I remember many years ago, on Saturday mornings, past time for the kids used to be watching cartoons. Imagine the excitement when the first cartoon of moon landing came on the little black and white screen…thirteen inch for those who had one; for others it was a novelty, a luxury they couldn’t afford. The more privileged kids would gather around the little Television set with spoons in hand as they ate their corn flakes from little bowls, and tried to…..
There have been times when we languish for the good old days, but we should be careful what we wish for. Some times the good old days were not so good in certain aspect of life. Not so long ago I heard on the news that a man was feeding on the face of a homeless man. Then I heard the current news of a young man walking out of a restaurant in anger, and he was found later bending…..
So much is happening around us and around the world. We are bothered about the injustices that are happening abroad and we’re worried about what’s happening in our own back yard. Everybody is fighting for one thing or the other. There’s war among the classes. The Rich vs the Poor. The top 1% owning 40% of the wealth while the bottom maybe 30% is not even on the charts. The lower middle can barely make it, and the middle is…..
Hate is a learned behavior. As babes we came into the world innocent. Like clean canvas or a blank slate or fresh clay waiting to be molded. The outcome depends on the artist what the finished product will be. Innocence is lost according to the environment that a child is nurtured in. The problem is not between Black and white; it’s between love and hate. In many instances Blacks and Whites are in perfect harmony; they were taught how to love……