Hi, I’m J. Elaine Cottrell, author of Breana’s Full Circle. I am a retired nurse, so I fill my days with writing. I am not a conventional writer; I’m a story teller. The rules in writing that I don’t know I break, and the rules that I know I bend. My objective is to get the stories out of my head unto the pages, so I could share them with my readers. Rules, regulations and political correctness will sometimes get…..
I remember many years ago, on Saturday mornings, past time for the kids used to be watching cartoons. Imagine the excitement when the first cartoon of moon landing came on the little black and white screen…thirteen inch for those who had one; for others it was a novelty, a luxury they couldn’t afford. The more privileged kids would gather around the little Television set with spoons in hand as they ate their corn flakes from little bowls, and tried to…..
There have been times when we languish for the good old days, but we should be careful what we wish for. Some times the good old days were not so good in certain aspect of life. Not so long ago I heard on the news that a man was feeding on the face of a homeless man. Then I heard the current news of a young man walking out of a restaurant in anger, and he was found later bending…..
I wake up this morning with thankful acknowledgement that this new day came into existence by the hand of an almighty God. This is His day that He has made. He has plans for this day and all the people and all the things that are in it. This reminds me that everything is under His control, so I will not worry. All I ask for me today is a deeper understanding of His ways that I may walk without…..
So much is happening around us and around the world. We are bothered about the injustices that are happening abroad and we’re worried about what’s happening in our own back yard. Everybody is fighting for one thing or the other. There’s war among the classes. The Rich vs the Poor. The top 1% owning 40% of the wealth while the bottom maybe 30% is not even on the charts. The lower middle can barely make it, and the middle is…..
When a citizen from another country burns the United States’ flag it’s considered a disrespect to our country, and it gives cause to react in one way or the other. When a citizen of the United States burns the flag of the United States, what is it called, and how should we react? How can we be respected by others if we do not respect ourselves? Yes we can be angry; there’s a lot to be angry about. But at…..
Hi…I’m J. Elaine Cottrell. I’m a retired nurse. I fill my days with writing. I’m not a conventional writer; I’m a Story Teller. The rules of writing that I don’t know I break, and the rules that I know I bend to keep my story flowing. Rules, regulations and political correctness get in the way of telling a good story sometimes, so I skip them whenever I can. My objective is to get the stories out of my head and…..