Although we are well aware that it takes a psychologist to diagnose a mental deficiency, the signs and symptoms can be very apparent. The word narcissism stems from a mythical character who fell in love with his own reflection–meaning lover of himself /herself or self admiration. In dealing with a narcissistic person, ‘the art of the deal’ is never fair. The opponent of a narcissistic person will get the raw deal every time. The sad thing about it is, they…..
It is time for our elected officials to look beyond the greed for excess and see the need of those in distress. In my opinion, if we keep going down this path that we are on, we will end up being the weakest country in the Universe. The wealthiest portion of our population has never been sick and unable to see a doctor, or to go the hospital, or to buy medicine. They have never been hungry. They have never…..