Although we are well aware that it takes a psychologist to diagnose a mental deficiency, the signs and symptoms can be very apparent. The word narcissism stems from a mythical character who fell in love with his own reflection–meaning lover of himself /herself or self admiration. In dealing with a narcissistic person, ‘the art of the deal’ is never fair. The opponent of a narcissistic person will get the raw deal every time. The sad thing about it is, they…..
How important is ethnicity in adopting a child. I believe love is an emotion that begins in the heart, and it is manifested in the action of the person. Love has no color. I would like to say love doesn’t discriminate, but it does. However, it’s a beautiful thing when the heart is open to accept a person from another race into your life. It begins with love. Once love exists, caring and sharing comes easy. An adoptive parent will…..
I remember many years ago, on Saturday mornings, past time for the kids used to be watching cartoons. Imagine the excitement when the first cartoon of moon landing came on the little black and white screen…thirteen inch for those who had one; for others it was a novelty, a luxury they couldn’t afford. The more privileged kids would gather around the little Television set with spoons in hand as they ate their corn flakes from little bowls, and tried to…..
Good Friday morning everybody! Having some issues this morning, but I have chosen to believe that I wouldn’t know how to enjoy pleasure if I’ve never had pain. After the sunshine there’s got to be a little rain sometimes. The beauty of living by faith is not to be in denial when a problem presents itself; instead, you recognize the problem and deal with it. Trouble doesn’t last always; the sun will shine again after the rain is gone. Living…..
The story in Breana’s Full Circle is timeless. It’s a legacy that plagues every generation in every in every nation; however, the outcome depends on how each person faces a given situation. It is unfortunate that the negative aspect of life continues to affect, especially, the innocent. A good mentor can also help to drive the subject in a positive direction. Also– the mindset of a person has to be open to consultations and suggestions to bring change. Breana is…..