Although we are well aware that it takes a psychologist to diagnose a mental deficiency, the signs and symptoms can be very apparent. The word narcissism stems from a mythical character who fell in love with his own reflection–meaning lover of himself /herself or self admiration. In dealing with a narcissistic person, ‘the art of the deal’ is never fair. The opponent of a narcissistic person will get the raw deal every time. The sad thing about it is, they can’t help themselves; you can’t really blame the narcissist; it is not a choice to be that way. That is how his/her brain is developed. Blaming a narcissist for his behavior is like saying to an autistic person ‘it is your fault that you have autism;’ you can control it. The only way to control the situation is to recognize the symptoms and own it. The rest of the population have the responsibility to guard against the effect that the action of the narcissist may have on society on a whole. If there is a position to be filled, the choice should be made to fill it with one who is able to put him/herself last for the benefit of the whole. In using one who is consumed with his/her image; his/her welfare, you have already lost the battle. A narcissistic hates to be proven wrong; because, to him/her that is a flaw. There will never be an apology issued from the mouth of a narcissist. Somebody is to be blamed for every mistake, every wrong turn. They will accept advice on how to solve a problem; since if turns out wrong, there is someone already established to take the blame, but if it turns out right all the accolades, the pomp and circumstance, all the glory belong to, ‘me’ the narcissist. However, as I said before, the narcissist cannot help him/herself; it is a psychological deficiency just like any other. They cannot see any fault or any wrong in their behavior. In their mind they are at their best performance. If they are being criticized, the big question from them is ‘why’ don’t get it; it’s my idea; it has to be the best. However, hold off on nailing a narcissist to the cross; just be watchful, be prayerful and do what you can to keep pending disaster to a minimum where ever you can. Pray for God’s grace to cover our nation. #Blog
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